Conference Description
The purpose of this conference is to provide an interdisciplinary, international forum for academics and practitioners with an interest in marketing, management, and health care research to meet and exchange research insights, ideas, and experiences. The conference is designed to offer a workshop style atmosphere with the intention of developing research ideas, relationships, and collaborative opportunities. Competitive papers, student authored papers, special sessions, and tutorial/workshop proposals on current topics in health care research and related areas are invited.
Topic Areas
Given the name of the association and title of the conference, clearly research related to health care and services is welcome and encouraged. In addition, work on any of the following areas is also encouraged for submission: services and issues related to special populations (e.g., senior citizens, adolescents, ethnic groups), health communications (advertising, education, disease prevention, and health promotion), environmental issues, public policy, sustainability, family business ownership and operation issues (cost of health care, provision of care for employees, legal issues), business ethics, and geographically specific health care issues, innovations, and challenges. Manuscripts, special sessions, and/or proposals in
other areas are also welcome and encouraged.
Submission deadline is December 15, 2023.
- Guidelines
Manuscripts should not exceed 15 total pages; Journal of Consumer Research style should be used. Please submit as an MS Word file to facilitate editing. Author names should not appear anywhere in the paper except on the title page.
Submit via email to Jim Oakley, Program Chair –
- Acceptance and Publication
All accepted manuscripts will be published in the conference proceedings. Publication is contingent upon at least one author pre-registering for the conference and presenting the paper.
AMHCR does not retain copyright of the submission so authors are free to subsequently publish the manuscript elsewhere. Additionally, upon the author’s request, “abstract only” is acceptable for the proceedings.
Review Process
- Deadline and Acceptance
All papers will go through a blind review process. Submissions are due by early December 15, 2023, and acceptance decisions will be announced January 5, 2024.
- Preparing Proceedings
Details on preparing your paper for the proceedings will be provided with the acceptance notification. Final manuscripts will be due to the proceedings editor by February 2, 2024.
- Best Paper Awards
All completed papers submitted to the conference are considered for this award. A blind review process coordinated by the conference co-chairs will be used for determining the award-winning paper.
- Student Awards
AMHCR encourages submissions by graduate & undergraduate students in all fields. A committee will determine the winner and present the award at the conference banquet.